Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Chips Ahoy! cake

Hello everyone!

I'm too much excited to share this recipe with all. The reasons: It's my 1st post and i hope many more will come, also it's the first time I've used my new blender (easy whipping, pure love) and last think, but not less important, the feeling when the guests let their dishes totally clean.

So, are you ready to try this Cookie cheesecake (source)? Only for sweet tooth. Let's get started!

We need:

First, crush the cookies and melt the butter (30 seconds in microwave enough). Mix well. Then, cover a sandwich tin or loose-based with baking paper and put the mixture inside.

Meanwhile, put the mold inside of fridge. Now, we can start to prepare the cream. Add cheese spread (e.g. Philadelhia), sugar and vanilla sugar into the pot. Keep medium-high heat until melt together, then mix the gelatine with milk and pour it. 

Wait until the cheese mixture gets cold. Now whip the cream and add the above preparation with smooth and outflanking until you see soft peaks. Pour half part of cream in mould and then, put a layer of cookies between the another part of cream. Let's refrigerated a little and put the chocolate chips. It will be tastier next day!  Bon appétit.

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